Looking for something to stay in shape and build confidence, thats different from your typical sporting programs? Why not try Professional Wrestling?
Just like some of your favourite wrestling stars on Televison, learn the art of Pro-Wrestling from Australia's foremost wrestling coach, Vulcan.
This course breaks down the basics of Pro-Wrestling. Learn the art of Chain-Wrestling as well as various rolls and warm up routines, key elements in executing many wrestling manouvers.
Learn the Correct Techniques
Certified Professional Instructor
Great Cardio Workout
High Endurance Training
Confidence Building
Social Skill Development
Guaranteed To Make You Sweat!
JUNIORS: 11 - 14 Years
Saturdays - 12pm - 2pm
SENIORS: 15 Years +
Saturdays - 2pm till 4pm
Group style training, this class is essential in your wrestling career. Learn the fundamentals of basic wrestling moves such as, Head-lock, Hammer-lock, Arm-whip, Takedowns and many more.
Safety is essential when learning to wrestle. It is crucial to learn the correct techniques in a safe environement, with a fully trained professional. At Vulcan Wrestling, you will recieve full supervison from Malenko Certified Wrestling Professionals.
"This class is the first step to becoming a Professional Wrestler!"
Look Like A Wrestler,
Now Train Like A Wrestler!
Gain full access to Club Vulcan Gym & add a Strength specific program to your wrestling training.